X2PERFORMANCE® is specifically engineered to enhance human performance. A brief description of the biochemical science related to each ingredient as well as independent research articles are found below. Our head coach and sports nutritionist Ben Greenfield personally recommends one bottle X2PERFORMANCE® taken 30-45 minutes prior to competition or a workout, and then 1 additional bottle every 2 hours for longer workouts or races. 


ATP DiSodium for Vasodilation of Blood Vessels. Supplementing with ATP DiSodium has been shown to increase extracellular adenine nucleotide levels, causing vasodilation of blood vessels. The widening allows more nutrients such as oxygen and glucose to reach the muscle cells, while also helping to transport lactic acid to the liver for reprocessing.


Independent Research on ATP:

Glucose for Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation. Classified as a carbohydrate and basic monosaccharide, glucose is a primary source of energy during physical activity. By entering the glycolytic, Kreb Cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation pathways a single molecule of glucose can produce 32 units of ATP to continue powering muscle contractions.


Independent Research on Glucose:


Ribose As A Key Component and Limiting Factor in ATP Generation and Regeneration. Another simple sugar, Ribose is a crucial building block of the ATP molecule. After intense exercise, ATP stores can be severely diminished due to its breakdown to hypoxanthine. Ribose acts in the nucleotide salvage and de novo synthesis pathways to restore ATP levels.

Independent Research on Ribose:


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) As An Antioxidant and Electron Transport Chain Constituent. The CoQ10 molecule has a dual effect in the human body. Concentrated in heart and skeletal muscle, CoQ10acts as a coenzyme in the electron transport chain in the creation of ATP. It also acts as an antioxidant by preventing the creation of free oxide radicals that can cause damage to tissues and cells.

Independent Research on CoQ10:


Pinitol For Enhanced Glucose Absorption into Cells. The insulin-like properties of Pinitol allows cells to quickly uptake circulating blood glucose. The glucose can then be utilized to recycle ATP during exercise or restore glycogen stores during recovery. Pinitol has also been shown to increase creatine retention.

Independent Research on Pinitol:


Caffeine as a Neural and Muscular Promoter. Highly regarded as an ergogenic aid, Caffeine has been shown to decrease the perception of exertion during exercise. It can also increase fatty acid mobilization, allowing the body to boost ATP production from fats.

Independent Research on Caffeine:


Ion Group for Prevention of Cramping and Muscle Degradation. The electrolytes of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium assist in muscle contractions, and help to avoid cramping. They also regulate ATP production and defend against muscle decomposition.

Independent Research on Ion Group:


Distilled Water for Purity, Hydration and Thermoregulation. The process of distillation removes nearly all contaminants in water, ensuring the highest level of purity and quality. This further assures the elimination of microorganisms, disinfectants, inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals and or radionuclides that may be contained in various other sources or types of water. Consuming adequate amounts of water can prevent dehydration, which can cause to increased heart rate and insufficient heat transfer, as well as augmented oxidative DNA damage.

Independent Research on Distilled Water:

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